Gigazyme 5l

294,53lei cu TVA

gigazyme® is a triple-enzyme cleaner designed specifically for the manual and semi-automatic cleaning of endoscopes and for the manual cleaning of surgical instruments.

Stoc epuizat

Our Plus

  • excellent triple enzyme cleaning power
  • suitable for use in ultrasonic bath
  • pleasant fragrance
  • non foaming
  • leaves no residue

Application areas
gigazyme® is an enzymatic cleaning agent designed
specifically for the manual and semi-automatic cleaning
of endoscopes and for the manual cleaning of surgical
The ideal combination of high-quality enzymes (Protease
= cutting proteins, Lipase = cutting fat, Amylase = cutting
starch) and an innovative system of sufactants allows
excellent cleaning of thermostable and thermolabile
instruments of any kind.
gigazyme® is also ideal for use in an ultrasonic bath.
Instructions for use
gigazyme® is a concentrate and is diluted with cold water to
produce the desired application concentration.
Place endoscopes and instruments for reprocessing in the
gigazyme® solution immediately after use. Ensure complete
covering of the surfaces, also of hollow instruments, and allow
to take effect. Rinse all instruments thoroughly after cleaning,
using water of at least drinking water quality, or preferably
sterile distilled water or fully deionised water, to completely
remove residues of the cleaning solution.
Please follow the reprocessing recommendations of the
instrument manufacturers. Do not mix with cleaning agents
and disinfectants.
Standing time: It is recommended to renew the working
solution every working day and if contamination is clearly
Application concentration: With normal soiling: 0.5 – 1 %
In case of heavy soiling: up to 10 %
1 litre of a 1 % solution corresponds to 990 ml water and 10 ml
Further information: When cleaning contaminated
instruments and endoscopes, blood can coagulate if the
cleaning solution is too warm. This can make the cleaning
process difficult. According to that the optimal cleaning
temperature is below 35°C.
In order to keep the temperature within the optimal cleaning
range the solution will turn milky at temperatures above
approx. 32°C. This can be reversed by adding cold water.

Display price / bottle 5l

Informații suplimentare

Greutate 5 kg


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